Cemeteries in
Photo of Soldiers Monument & gallery photos by David Giagnoni.
Oak Ridge Cemetery was established in 1835 with the first known burial—that of one-year-old Nathan Tanner—whose headstone is surrounded by a small white picket fence. The oldest person buried in Oak Ridge is Minta Schoonover, age 106.
The original two-acre site, dedicated to the City of Farmington in 1868, has now increased to over 41 acres. The tall gray granite Soldiers Monument was erected by the citizens of Farmington and dedicated in 1892 by the Woman’s Relief Corps. A mausoleum was built in 1925 and became cemetery property in 1960.
The City is grateful for the many significant donations of time, cash bequeaths, memorials, and other gifts from C.C. Butler, O.K. Morgan, the Ralph Tyler and Don McCord Estates, Gilbert and Shirley Harmon, John Baudino, Fern Taylor, and Herb Stufflebeam.
Oak Ridge Cemetery — Useful Documents
Cemetery/Graveyard Records – Farmington Township
Gravestone Decorations Information
Original Burial Records 1869-1962
Herb Stufflebeam
With any questions or wanting to inquire about burial plots, please reach out to Herb. He can be contacted through the city phone: (309)245-2011 or through email: hstufflebeam@cityoffarmingtonil.com